Monday, April 27, 2009

Life Sketch and Services of His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V

Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib was born on 15th September 1950 in Rabwah, Pakistan, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s headquarter. He is the son of Hadhrat Sahibzada Mirza Mansoor Ahmad Sahib and his mother’s name is Hadhrat Sahibzadi Nasira Begum Sahiba. Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib is also the great grandson of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah , and the grandson of Hadhrat Mirza Sharif Ahmad Sahib, the youngest son of the Promised Messiah . Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib is also the maternal grandson of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II . Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib did his primary education at Taleem-ul-Islam High School Rabwah, and obtained his BA from Taleemul-Islam (TI) College Rabwah, Pakistan. In 1976 he earned his Masters of Science degree in Agricultural Economics from the Agriculture University Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib got married on 31st January 1977 to Syeda Amtul Sabooh (Begum Sahiba), the daughter of the Late Begum Sahibzadi Amtul Hakeem and Mr Syed Daud Muzaffar Shah. His walima feast was held two days after his marriage. He is the father of a daughter, Mrs Amtul Waris Fateh who is married to Mr Fateh Ahmad Dahiri of Nawabshah and they have a young son and a daughter. Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib also has one son, Mr Mirza Waqas Ahmad, currently studying accountancy in England.

At the young age of seventeen, Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib became a Moosi (that is to say that he signed up for Wasiyyat or a will, under the plan initiated by the Promised Messiah , thus committing a portion, not less than one-tenth, of his lifetime earnings and any property to the cause of Islam.) In 1977, he devoted his life (that is to say that he became a Waqf-i-Zindagi) for Islam, and as directed by Hadhrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih III, Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib, proceeded to Ghana under the Nusrat-Jahan Scheme. This social, educational and economic development scheme supports a large number of hospitals and schools in West Africa.

Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib was the founding principal of the Ahmadiyya Secondary School Salaga, a school in the northern region of Ghana, where he served for two years. This school is progressing very well to this day. His success at this school made him the obvious choice for the principal of the Ahmadiyya Secondary School at Essarkyir where he served for a further four years. This school is in the central region of Ghana.

Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib was appointed as the manager of the Ahmadiyya Agricultural Farm in Depali, in the northern region of Ghana, for 2 years. First experiments had revealed that wheat could not grow in Ghana. But Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib continued relentlessly. Another Ahmadi Muslim, Mr Qasim Ahmad, joined him in this series of experiments. The efforts of this team of Ahmadi agriculturalists finally paid dividends. The first successful experiment of planting, growing and nurturing wheat as an economic crop in Ghana was exhibited at an international trade fair and the results were submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of Ghana. It stands as a great credit to his personal efforts in these experiments that successive presidents of Ghana have commended the Ahmadiyya Muslim community for these highly successful experiments which revolutionized the country’s economy and paved the way for self sufficiency.

In 1985, Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib returned to Pakistan and on 17th March 1985, he was appointed as Wakilul Maal II, Department In-Charge of Financial Affairs II. On 18th June 1994 he was appointed as Nazir Ta’leem (Director of Education).

On 10th December 1997, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV, appointed Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib as Nazir A’la (chief executive director) of Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Pakistan and local Amir.

Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib’s predecessor Nazir A’la was his father Sahibazada Mirza Mansoor Ahmad Sahib. Recalling what a simple and devoted and pious person Sahibzada Mirza Mansoor Ahmad Sahib was, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV stated with tears in his eyes that he had observed that when he met him he was extremely happy. When he enquired about the source of his happiness, Sahibzada Mirza Mansoor Ahmad Sahib said, ‘Why should I not be happy: today the Khalifa of the time is happy with my children and my family.’ In this sermon, he also paid warm tribute to Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib. Till his election as Khalifa, Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib remained the Nazir A’la and local Amir.

In administrative matters and a disciplined approach to work, he has no parallel. He has the unique quality of getting down to the heart of the matter and dealing with it squarely. But these characteristics were not acquired merely because of the foregoing but a thorough upbringing as set out below. Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib served in many other capacities. As Nazir A’la, he was also serving as Nazir Dhiyafat (Hospitality) and Nazir Zira’at (Agriculture). In August 1988 he had been appointed as Sadr (President) Bahishti Maqbara and Majlis Karpardaz Masalaih Qabristan (the executive committee managing the Bahishti Maqbarah and related matters).

From 1994 to 1997, he was Chairman Nasir Foundation. At the same time, Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib was President of Tazaeen Rabwah Committee (committee for the beautification of Rabwah). He expanded the Gulshan-e-Ahmad Nursery and his personal efforts led to reforming Rabwah from its barren to its lush green image. Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib also served as a member of Qadha (Jurisprudence) Board from 1988 to 1995.

In Central Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, an auxiliary body of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community comprising men between 15 and 40 years of age, Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib was the Muhtamim (Secretary) Sehat-e-Jismani (Physical Health) 1976-77, Muhtamim Tajneed (census and membership records) 1984-85, from 1985-86 to 1988-89 Muhtamim Majalis Bairoon (Secretary External Chapters), and in 1989-90 Naib Sadr (Vice President) Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Pakistan.

In Majlis Ansarullah Pakistan, an auxiliary organisation of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community comprising men over 40 years of age, Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib was the Qaid Zahanat (intellectual) and Sehat-e-Jismani (Physical Health) in 1995, and Qaid Talim-ul-Qur’an (Quranic Education) from 1995 to 1997.

On 22nd April, 2003 at 11:40pm London Time , Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib’s election as Khalifatul Masih V (Fifth Successor to the Promised Messiah) was announced by Mr Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, Secretary Majlis Shura, as follows:

‘It is announced for the information of all members of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community that following the Maghrib (dusk) and Isha (night) prayers, the Majlis Intikhab Khilafat (the Electoral College) established by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II, Musleh Maud (the Promised Reformer) convened at the Fazl Mosque London today, Tuesday 22nd April 2003, under the chairmanship of Respected Chaudhry Hameed Ullah Sahib. Pursuant to the rules and regulations, each member took an oath of allegiance to Khilafat-i-Ahmadiyya. After this, they elected the most respected Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad as Khalifatul Masih V. The members of the Majlis Intikhab Khilafat immediately had the honour of taking the pledge of initiation at the blessed hand of Hadhrat Amirul Mominneen Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah assist him with His Mighty help and Allah grant him a long life, and have also had the honour of meeting Hadhrat Amirul Momineen.

Alhamdolillah (All praise belongs to Allah). May Allah the Exalted in approval make this election most blessed. Amin. Our Merciful and Gracious God! O our Noble and Loving Lord, we are grateful to You that You have bestowed us with Your Grace and the Second Manifestation and have once again changed our state of fear to that of peace. O our Possessor of Power and Authority and Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining God, we bear witness that once again Your Messiah and Mahdi’s prophecy as stated in the journal Al-Wasiyyathas materialised with full glory and magnificence.'

All Praise belongs to Allah
Ataul Mujeeb Rashed
Secretary Majlis Shura
11.40 p.m. 22nd April 2003

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

An Overview

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) is a dynamic, fast growing international revival movement within Islam. Founded in 1889, AMC spans over 193 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. Its current headquarters are in the United Kingdom.

AMC is the only Islamic organization to believe that the long-awaited Messiah has come in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) (1835-1908) of Qadian. Ahmad (as) claimed to be the metaphorical second coming of Jesus (as) of Nazareth and the divine guide, whose advent was foretold by the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (sa). AMC believes that God sent Ahmad (as), like Jesus (as), to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed and reinstitute morality, justice and peace. Ahmad’s (as) advent has brought about an unprecedented era of Islamic revival. He divested Islam of fanatical beliefs and practices by vigorously championing Islam’s true and essential teachings. He also recognized the noble teachings of the great religious founders and saints, including Zoroaster (as), Abraham (as), Moses (as), Jesus (as), Krishna (as), Buddha (as), Confucius (as), Lao Tzu and Guru Nanak, and explained how such teachings converged into the one true Islam.

AMC is the leading Islamic organization to categorically reject terrorism in any form. Over a century ago, Ahmad (as) emphatically declared that an aggressive “jihad by the sword” has no place in Islam. In its place, he taught his followers to wage a bloodless, intellectual “jihad of the pen” to defend Islam. To this end, Ahmad (as) penned over 80 books and tens of thousands of letters, delivered hundreds of lectures, and engaged in scores of public debates. His rigorous and rational defenses of Islam unsettled conventional Muslim thinking. As part of its effort to revive Islam, AMC continues to spread Ahmad’s (as) teachings of moderation and restraint in the face of bitter opposition from parts of the Muslim world.

Similarly, AMC is the only Islamic organization to endorse a separation of mosque and state. Over a century ago, Ahmad (as) taught his followers to protect the sanctity of both religion and government by becoming righteous souls as well as loyal citizens. He cautioned against irrational interpretations of Quranic pronouncements and misapplications of Islamic law. He continually voiced his concerns over protecting the rights of God’s creatures. Today, AMC continues to be an advocate for universal human rights and protections for religious and other minorities. It champions the empowerment and education of women. Its members are among the most law-abiding, educated, and engaged Muslims in the world.

AMC is the foremost Islamic organization with a central spiritual leader. Over a century ago, Ahmad (as) reminded his followers of God’s promise to safeguard the message of Islam through khilafat(the spiritual institution of successorship to prophethood). AMC believes that only spiritual successorship can uphold the true values of Islam and unite humanity. Five spiritual leaders have succeeded Ahmad (as) since his demise in 1908. AMC’s fifth and current spiritual head, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, resides in the United Kingdom. Under the leadership of its spiritual successors, AMC has now built over 10,000 mosques, over 500 schools, and over 30 hospitals. It has translated the Holy Quran into over 60 languages. It propagates the true teachings of Islam and the message of peace and tolerance through a twenty-four hour satellite television channel (MTA), the Internet ( and print (Islam International Publications). It has been at the forefront of worldwide disaster relief through an independent charitable organization, Humanity First.

One Community, One Leader

A documentary about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the eyes of world dignitaries

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (1835-1908) Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at The Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi

The Promised Messiah's Beliefs

Our faith

- 1 -

The five pillars of Islam constitute our Creed. The Revelation of God viz., the Quran which we are commanded to hold firmly on, that indeed we hold firmly on. God be pleased with Umar: Like him we have the words 'sufficient unto us is the Book of God' constantly on our lips. In case of conflict and disagreement between the Hadith and the Quran we follow Hazrat Ayesha (God be pleased with her) and choose the Quran, especially in the historical texts treated by all schools as above abrogation. And we believe that there is no deity, no one worthy of worship, but only Almighty Allah that our Master Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of God be upon him), is His Rasul and Khatamal-Anbiya. And we believe that angels exist, that the resurrection of bodies after death is true, that the Day of Reckoning is also true, that Djanna and Gehenna are also true. We believe that every thing taught about these matters by the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet is true. We believe that he who seeks to subtract an iota from this or to add an iota to this - the Shariah of Islam and also he who makes light of the statutes and practices of Islam is devoid of belief, a denier of Islam. We counsel our Jamaat to put true and sincere faith in the Holy Kalima, La Illaha Ill-Allah, Muhammad al-Rasul-Allah, to live and die by it, also to believe in all prophets and in all books, the truth of which is sanctioned by the Quran; to observe in letter and in spirit the Fasts, Prayers, Zakat and Pilgrimage and all prescriptions and prohibitions laid down by Almighty Allah and His Prophet. We counsel them in short that their belief should include all beliefs and all rules of conduct agreed upon unanimously by early Muslims, that is, all matters accepted as part of Islam by the consensus of Ahl-i-Sunna. There is no option. And we hold heaven and earth as witness that this is our creed and this is our faith.

(Ayyamal Sulh pg. 86-87)

- 2 -

We are Musalmans. We believe in the One God without a partner and in the Kalima, La Illah Ill-Allah. We believe in the Book of God, the Quran, in His Messenger Muhammad (peace on him and God's blessings) the Khatam Al-Anbiya. We believe in angels, the resurrection, hell and paradise. We observe the prescribed prayers and the fast. We turn to the Qibla for prayers and forbid ourselves what is forbidden by God and His Prophet and permit ourselves what is permitted. We add not a thing to the Sharia, nor subtract any thing from it. The Sharia is above change. Whatever has come down to us from the Holy Prophet (on whom peace and God's blessings), all that we accept, whether we understand or not and whether we can unravel its secrets and real meaning or not. We are believers with the Grace of God, and strict monotheist Muslims.

(Nur al-Haq I, pg. 5)

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Allah the Almighty

- 1 -

I want to make it clear to Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Aryas, that I have no enemy. I love all men as a merciful mother loves her children. Nay more. I am enemy only of false beliefs, beliefs subversive of truth. To sympathise with all humans is my duty and to preach against falsehood, disloyalty to God, tyranny, evil conduct, injustice, immorality is my mission.

My motive for this height of sympathy is that I have discovered a gold mine, have had access to an unlimited supply of precious stones. In the mine I have found a bright and priceless jewel. So priceless that if I divide it between all of my fellow men, every one of them will become richer than the richest among them in gold and silver. What is this jewel? It is the true God. To reach Him is to know Him, to become really aware of Him, to have true faith in Him, to be united with Him in true love. To receive true blessings from Him in return. Having found such a priceless treasure it will be cruel on my part if I let not my fellow-men know about it. Could I let them go hungry while I have plenty. No, it will not be so, while I can help. My heart burns over their want and hunger. My soul becomes depressed over their dark and straitened existence. I want to see their homes filled with riches divine. I want to see them full with faith and truth. Full to capacity.

(Arbain No. 1, pg. 2-3)

- 2 -

God is a lovely treasure. Hold Him dear. He is your Help at every step. You are as nothing without Him. And nothing are your means and methods.

(Kishti-i-Nuh, pg. 20)

- 3 -

God is One and Unique and Unpartnered, in one and all His perfect attributes. Without any fault whatsoever.

He combines in His person al the most perfect attributes. He is the Manifestation of all Holy Powers, the Originator of all creatures, the Spring of all Graces, the Lord of rewards and punishments, the Disposer of all affairs. He is near though far, far though near. Above all things and everything, yet there is nothing below Him. He is the most hidden than everything yet there is nothing more evident than Him. He lives in His right, everything else by Him. Himself self subsistent, everything else subsists by Him. Everything holds He, nothing hold Him. Nothing came to create itself without Him. Nothing can now live by itself. He encompasses everything, though we know not how it happens to be so. He is the Essence of everything in heaven and earth. The essence of everything owes its brightness to His Hand, is a shadow of His Being. The nourisher of all worlds is He.

(Lecture Lahore, pg. 5)

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Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)

- 1 -

What was this, do you know? This most wonderful thing which happened in the wilderness of Arabia? Spiritually dead millions became alive again in a matter of days; those without eyes began to see, those without speech began to speak the language of seers gifted with divine knowledge. This was a revolution which no eye had seen before nor had an ear heard of it before.

What was it, do you know? It was a miracle performed by the mighty prayers of a man who had dedicated his life to God. Prayers offered in the dead of night. These prayers shook the world. They wrought changes impossible for an unlettered person to bring about.

God! shower Thy blessings and send peace on this man! Bless not only him but also those who come after him and follow him! Remove their fears, their sorrows, their anxieties. And on this his Umma, shower Thy Bounties and Thy Blessings until the end of days.

(Barkat-al Dua pg. 10-11)

- 2 -

Thousands and thousands of prayers and invocations of peace, mercies, and blessings, for the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa - on whom peace - through whom we found the Living God.

(Nasim-i-Dawat, pg. 1)

- 3 -

The true saviour whose offer of salvations (of the fruit of salvation, to be exact), is with us today and will be with us until doomsday, is the one who appeared in the land of Hijaz. His offer of salvation was for all mankind, of all times.

(Dafi al-Bala 'inside back cover')

- 4 -

We know it clearly from the Holy Quran that every prophet is a member of the Umma - the fold - of Muhammad (on whom be peace). Says the Holy Quran addressing the prophets:
You shall believe in him help him (3:82)
This means all prophets belong to the Umma - the fold - of the Holy Prophet (on whom be peace).

(Barahin-i-Ahmadiyya V, appendix pg. 133)

- 5 -

A man who exceeded all men in perfection, perfect as man and perfect as prophet, came into the world, endowed with the most perfect of graces. Through the Quickening and Gathering brought about by him came the First Resurrection. A dead world became charged with life. Who is he? He is the blessed prophet, Khatam al-Anbiya, Imam al-Asfiya, Khatam al-Mursalin, Fakhr al-Nabiyyin, Muhammad Mustafa (on whom be peace and blessings of God).

Beloved God! Reward this beloved prophet with Mercies and Favours with which no man from the beginning of time, has been rewarded by Thee. Had not this great prophet appeared in the world, we would have known nothing of the truth of the lesser prophets like Jonah, Job, Jesus son of Mary, Malachi, John, Zachariah, etc., etc. We would have had no proof. True, they were accepted and approved and honoured and loved by God. But we owe this to The Holy Prophet, that these other prophets came to be known as true prophets.

"God! Accept our prayers for him, send him peace, bless him and his progeny and all his companions with Thy blessings."

(Itmam al-Hujja, pg. 28)

- 6 -

In many places in the Holy Quran it is laid down - implicitly as well as explicitly - that the Holy Prophet, on whom be peace and the blessings of God, is the most perfect manifestation of Divinity; his speech is the speech of God, his advent the advent of God, his coming the coming of God. We have the verse, 'Say, Truth has come and falsehood has gone, and falsehood had to go'. Truth here means the three - God Almighty, the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet, on whom be peace and blessings of God.... You can see how God Almighty associates the Holy Prophet's name with His Own and how the Holy Prophet's advent becomes the advent of God. (peace on the Holy Prophet and God's blessings).

(Surma Chashm-i-Arya, pg. 229-38 foot note)

- 7 -

I have always wondered and wondered how high must be the station of this Arabian Prophet Muhammad! Thousands of blessings and prayers of peace for him! Impossible it is to measure the height of his station. Impossible to have an idea of his purifying powers. Pity therefore that his greatness goes unrecognized still. The conception of the One God had all but disappeared from the face of this earth; the stalwart who established it again in human hearts is he. He loved God to the utmost. And he loved and sympathised with mankind equally, sacrificing his life for their sake. No wonder, God Who knew the secret of his heart raised him above Prophets and above all men who had gone before him or were to come after him. All his aspirations were fulfilled during his life.

(Haqiqat al-Wahy pg. 115-116)

- 8 -

Only two lives are worthy of praise. One is the life of Our God, the Life Giver, the Life Sustainer, the Source of Graces and Favours. The other life is the life which enriches and favours and is God-like in its graces. This second kind of life - come, let me tell you - is the life of our Holy Prophet (on whom be peace and blessings of God). Heavenly signs at all times in history have borne witness to this life. They are here with us today.

And remember, he, whose life does not enrich other people's lives is dead, not living. I hold God as witness when I declare - and to declare anything false in His Name is rank depravity - that God has given me proof of enduring spiritual life - so full of beauty and power - of my revered master, the Chief of us all, Muhammad, on whom be peace. The proof is that by following in his footsteps and by devoting my love to him, I have seen heavenly sings descend upon me and fill my heart with the light of certainty of faith.

(Tiryaq al-Qalub, pg. 6)

- 9 -

Is there a prophet who lives still? Then he is our Holy Prophet (on whom be peace). Books have been written by renowned authors on the Life of the Holy Prophet that he - our Holy Prophet - continues to live is proved by mighty arguments. Arguments which have no equal in any other prophet's life. Among the arguments is this, that a prophet who lives in one whose blessings and graces continue for ever.

(Al Hakam 17 Feb., 1906, pg. 3)

- 10 -

The life of Holy Prophet is a life of enduring worth. A mighty proof of this is that the graces of the graces of the Holy Prophet, his spiritual influence, lives for ever. Those who walk in his footsteps even today become quickened with life, - raised from their graves as it were. They receive the gift of a new spiritual life.

(Aina Kamalat Islam pg. 221)

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The Holy Quran

- 1 -

The title Khatam al-Nabiyyin used for the Holy Prophet (on whom be peace and blessings of God) requires - the term in its own right requires - that the Book revealed to the Holy Prophet (on whom be peace and blessings) should be Khatam al-Kutub, it should be a book perfect in all dimensions. The Quran is full of such perfection.

(Malfoozat vol. 3, pg. 36)

- 2 -

I was young and now I am old. There are people who would know and if they will, they will bear witness that I have had no concern with worldly affairs. My interests have centered in religion. Let me tell you that the Book called the Quran is most Holy, most full of spiritual wisdom.... The blessings and benefits we expect from a true faith, this book has come at last to confer on man. Through it man comes to inherit the Grace of God. Can it be that having found such a light we should turn again to darkness, having had eyes should choose to become blind again.

(Sanatan Dharam, pg. 67)

- 3 -

Perfect and holy is the teachings of the Holy Quran which nourishes every branch of the human tree. The Holy Quran does not stress only one side of it. It teaches compassion and forgiveness when forgiveness is nearer wisdom. It prescribes punishment for the wrong-doer but such as is appropriate to the moment and the occasion.

(Barahin-i-Ahmadiyya II, pg. 91-92)

- 4 -

God is our witness, He Who knows the innermost secrets of our hearts, that I am ready to accept the penalty of death, should any one be able to point to the slightest weakness in the teachings of the Holy Quran, it may be as slight as a minute fraction of a particle. Or should any one be able to point to an equally slight virtue of a book to which he subscribes, a virtue contrary to the teachings of the Quran on the same point, yet superior to it.

(Barahin-i-Ahmadiyya III, pg. 268 foot note 2)

- 5 -

Of the great spiritual powers of the Holy Quran, one is that he who submits to it becomes gifted with the power to work miracles and do deeds out of the ordinary run. In such number, that the world will not think of contesting.

(Chashma-i-M'arifat, pg. 4)

- 6 -

Even a dot of the Holy Quran does not run the risk of any damage or alteration at the hands of collective assault of the ancestors and successors. It is such a strong, secure and solid stone that its strike will split apart and any one who strikes against it, will be annihilated.

(Aina Kamalat-e-Islam Roohani Khazain Vol. 5, pg. 257 fn.)